Posts Tagged ‘Weapon XI


Deadpool The Movie

deadpool movie

Thanks to the success of Wolverine, just as i had hoped. Deadpool is officially getting a spinoff movie. Not only that but there is also a second Wolverine movie in the works. Which will be the Japan story line. If you went and saw It this weekend you would know that After the credits you would see one of two endings. A Deadpool or Wolverine one hinting about the new films.

Although Wolverine didn’t meet my expectations. Both these movies have a chance to be really good. Lets hope they make them right.

deadpool the movie


X-Men Origins: Wolverine – Is That Deadpool???


May 1st cant come soon enough as I am a huge x-men fan. I have been waiting for the wolverine movie to come out for quite some time now.

One thing that made me very excited for the movie was that my favorite character in the marvel universe was going to be in the film. Deadpool, played by Ryan Reynolds. Now normally I wouldn’t be writing about this, but the new trailer for the flick came out and made me kinda nervous.


First of all Ryan Reynolds isn’t wearing a mask… which would be like seeing Spiderman without a mask, just doesn’t seem right. Also Wade Wilson (Deadpool’s real name) has no scars. But i took a deep breath and realized this is a Origins story, maybe all this happens later in the film. right?


Then later on in the trailer… we see the crazy looking guy (with scars!) wheedling these swords coming out of his hands. Could this be Deadpool? Odd that the swords are coming out of his hands like Wolverines claws…


THEN… We see this same unknown guy shooting lazers out of his eyes like cyclops… ummm… WTF?! So this cant be Deadpool. He never had that power.


All this made me wonder. So i did a search. On they have a character named Weapon XI. So this must be our mystery man and not Deapool cause he is even played by a different actor!…

I did a little bit more searching and found a leaked picture from the toy line for the movie.
This finally sealed it. The Crazy Sword/Lazer guy is in fact Deadpool… Take a look:

leaked deadpool toy

But WHY!? Why mess with Deadpool and do this? I don’t get it.
Later on imdb i saw this:

“In the comics there is no actual character known as Weapon XI (Weapon X for those who don’t know is Wolverine). As for this character, apparently the makers of the movie took creative licenses with Deadpool/Wade Wilson’s character where seems that Wade Wilson (played by Ryan Reynolds) is the merc with a mouth but he’s presented with no actual scars or the Deadpool replica costume known in the comics. During the movie Wade Wilson will undergo some changes in a procedure by William Stryker turning him to a silent killing machine implanting blades in his forearms and that’s when you witness his form being scared and disfigured being the character Weapon XI (played by Scott Adkins). It was revealed in a thread form Scott Adkins’ fansite that he will have the last fight against Wolverine in the movie and that’s what we caught a glimpse off in the official trailer where we witness Weapon XI doing a flying spinning kick in the face of Wolverine with blades appearing out from his forearms.”

Now hopefully they don’t screw this up. Somehow i hope all these powers get taken away in the end and Deadpool turns “good”, puts on the mask, and becomes my favorite super hero… But right now, this seems very sketchy. My only hope was that there have been talks of a Deadpool Movie spin off… so that would make me happy if all else fails.

Looks like we will find out if all this is true on May 1st.

May 2024